Testing Fast MDA Traceroute

Join our monthly community call on June 6, 2024 at 11am ET to discuss Dioptra’s recent work on fast-mda-traceroute and considerations that have gone into its design and testing.


“Fast-mda-traceroute aims at efficiently discovering multi-paths in network topologies. The latest work on fmda consists in more precise and faster probing, and extensive testing. While testing in the lab is valuable and gives reasonable confidence in the validity of the implementation, nothing can substitute for real-world testing. With this presentation, we hope to trigger interest in the community and gather feedback from as many use cases as possible.”

Téo Lohrer is an IT Engineer at SUMMIT, an Engineering unit at Sorbonne Université in Paris where he collaborates with Dioptra. Dioptra is an Internet cartography research group within the Networks and Performance Analysis (NPA) team at the LIP6 computer science laboratory in Paris, France.


M-Lab’s Community Calls take place on the first Thursday of every month at 11am Eastern Time. Please register via Zoom and reach out to hello@measurementlab.net with any questions.

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