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Use an M-Lab Test in Your Website or Application

M-Lab’s open source tests can be added to your website, mobile application, or other software, providing a service to your users and allowing M-Lab to reach more people and generate more data. If you are considering building an M-Lab test into your website or application, you should be familiar with M-Lab’s Privacy and Acceptable Use policies.

You can find out more information:

Analyze and Visualize M-Lab Data

M-Lab welcomes researchers who want to dig into the M-Lab data, providing documentation and best-effort email support. If you are interested in working with M-Lab data in your research, please review our data documentation to help get you started, and contact us with any questions. We also suggest that you join our public mailing list for news and announcements.

If you have experience in web or application development, data analysis, or visualization, you may be interested in working with M-Lab’s tests, data, and analysis tools, all of which are open source and openly licensed.

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