[community calls, recordings of presentations]
M-Lab Community Calls
Deprecating the TCP Macroscopic Model (ACM SIGCOMM 2020, Best of CCR, Aug. 2020)
A presentation submitted to the virtual ACM SIGCOMM 2020, best of CCR session. The original paper was published in CCR in October 2019.
M-Lab: Measuring Internet Performance
On 6/15/2020, M-Lab Director, Lai Yi Ohlsen, presented about M-Lab’s tools, methodologies, and data to the Internet Measurement Village.
ESnet CI Engineering Brownbag - NDT, its evolution, and how you can now easily run your own server
On 6/5/2020, M-Lab contributor, Peter Boothe, presented an ESnet CI Engineering Brownbag on the evolution of NDT and how to run your own NDT server.
ESnet CI Engineering Brownbag - NDT and the evolution of transport protocols
On 3/20/2020, M-Lab contributor, Matt Mathis, presented an ESnet CI Engineering Brownbag on BBR and the evolution of transport protocols.
View Slides & Documents Watch Recording
Open Broadband Measurement Tools for Community Driven Data Collection
As a part of the Michigan Moonshot Webinar series, M-Lab Community Lead, Chris Ritzo, shared information about the publicly available datasets and tools from Measurement Lab (M-Lab), and how they have been used for planning, decision making, and advocacy. M-Lab is an open source, civil society led, global platform for measuring broadband Internet service. In addition to supporting a portion of the FCC’s Measuring Broadband America program since its beginnings, M-Lab’s open source tools and data have been used in similar initiatives on local and regional levels, enabling communities to gather data about broadband in their communities, including the Michigan Moonshot initiative.
M-Lab : Internet Measurement - Open Source, Open Data
M-Lab Community Lead, Chris Ritzo, presented remotely to the Network Technologies and Services Evolution work group of the GÉANT GN4-3 project, at their workshop on Performance Management, held in Zagreb on 4th-5th March 2020.
ACT Broadband Hackathon Presentation
M-Lab Project Director, Lai Yi Ohlsen, presented to the ACT Broadband Hackathon on 2020-03-14, an overview of the M-Lab platform’s tools and tests enabling community-driven data collection of Internet speeds and quality of service.
Hack for a Cause 2019
M-Lab’s Program Management and Community Lead, Chris Ritzo, gave a keynote to kick off Hack for a Cause 2019, April 26-28, 2019 in Eugene, OR. The grand challenge was Speedup America, a web application that aggregates M-Lab data, the NDT speed test, and requests enhanced geolocation within the web browser. The grand challenge was put forward by Lane County government, to encourage innovation to build understanding of broadband availability and quality of service with high geographic accuracy. For M-Lab, Speedup America represents a growing developer community and the use of our public data and open source tools to serve the needs of local and regional governments and municipalities.
2019 Hack for a Cause Challenges Speedupamerica.com
Measurement Lab - Open Data on Global Internet Health - csv,conf,v4
Measurement Lab (M-Lab) is the largest open internet measurement platform in the world, hosting internet-scale measurement experiments and releasing all data into the public domain (CC0). We are an open source project with contributors from civil society organizations, educational institutions, and private sector companies, and are a fiscally sponsored project of Code for Science & Society. Our mission is to Measure the Internet, save the data, and make it universally accessible and useful. M-Lab works to advance network research and empowers the public with useful information about broadband and mobile connections by maintaining a scalable, global platform for conducting internet measurements, and by supporting an ecosystem of external partners and users around the world interested in using the resulting open data. Our users are researchers, activists, analysts, journalists, experiment developers, hosting providers, regulators, municipalities, and every day consumers. M-Lab works to enhance internet transparency, and help to promote and sustain a healthy, innovative internet by supporting our users in their research and data analyses, developing and publicizing new use cases for our datasets, forming collaborative partnerships, and building open source measurement tools. In this talk we will introduce the M-Lab platform with the csvconf audience, share how our open data and open source tools are being used by communities around the world, and provide resources on how attendees might use them as well.
Conference Website Session Watch Talk Recording
University of Guelf Broadband Analytics Workshop
The Regional and Rural Broadband (R2B2) Project hosted guests from Measurement Lab (M-Lab) which provides the largest collection of open Internet performance data on the planet. The workshop also considers new and existing tools for broadband infrastructure mapping, data visualization and analysis.
Event Description Morning Overview Slides
Supporting Open Internet Research - IETF 105 - Global Access to the Internet for All (GAIA)
M-Lab Director, Lai Yi Ohlsen, and Community Lead, Chris Ritzo, presented remotely to the GAIA working group at IETF 105. The talk, “Supporting Open Internet Research”, provided an introduction to M-Lab tools and data, and how our platform is currently used by researchers.
Supporting Open Internet Research - RIPE 79 Plenary
M-Lab Director, Lai Yi Ohlsen, gave a plenary session at RIPE 79, providing an overview of Measurement Lab, our community of users, and how our open source tools and data support researchers around the world.
SHLB Coalition AnchorNets 2019 Session
Staff from Simmons University, Measurement Lab, and Internet2 presented at the Schools Health & Libraries Broadband Coalition’s annual AnchorNets conference, October 17, 2019 in Alexandria, Virgina. The session provided an introduction and update to the research project, Measuring Library Broadband Networks, in which partners are working together with public libraries in the United States to measure their broadband networks. The purpose is to better understand how libraries can leverage broadband to better serve their communities’ digital needs. Funded by a grant (award #LG-71-18-0110-18) from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Service (IMLS), the team will work with up to 60 libraries in rural, suburban, and urban communities through May 2020, to gather quantitative and qualitative data using participatory design approaches. The project aims to: understand the broadband speeds and quality of service that public libraries receive; assess how well broadband service and infrastructure are supporting libraries’ communities’ digital needs; understand broadband network usage and capacity, along with additional data that would be useful to public libraries in providing their communities with online software applications and social and technical infrastructure, and increase libraries’ knowledge of networked services and connectivity needs.
NACo Annual Conference
M-Lab Community Lead, Chris Ritzo, provided an overview of M-Lab to NACo’s Rural Action Caucus (RAC). NACo’s “TestIT” app that integrates M-Lab’s NDT test was of specific interest as the national association of county elected officials explores the connection between national broadband data and federal funding. RAC members also had the opportunity to ask questions of NACo’s developer of the TestIT App, learn how to access and analyze the data being collected.
NACo Rural Action Caucus Summit
M-Lab’s Community Lead, Chris Ritzo, provided a follow up talk about M-Lab default NDT data and test data collected by NACo’s TestIT mobile app, and discussed the nuances and differences between these two sources of broadband measurements and the various FCC data sources.
African Internet Summit 2019 - M-Lab Workshop
M-Lab tech lead, Peter Boothe, and M-Lab Advisory Committee Chair, Georgia Bullen, attended AIS 2019 in Kampala, Uganda. Working with local and regional research partners, Georgia and Peter presented a workshop on Internet measurement data, including data from M-Lab and RIPE Atlas.
Supporting Open Internet Research - Quilt Community Call Presentation
M-Lab Director, Lai Yi Ohlsen, and Community Lead, Chris Ritzo, presented to the regional research and education network community, The Quilt, in their December community call. The talk, “Supporting Open Internet Research”, provided an introduction to M-Lab tools and data, and how our platform is currently used by researchers and M-Lab open source tools available to the R&E Network community.
Measuring Internet Performance - 2019 Indigenous Connectivity Summit
M-Lab Community Lead, Chris Ritzo, co-presented with May Lynn Lee from Cybera, a breakout session on measuring Internet performance at the 2019 Indigenous Connectivity Summit. Both M-Lab and Cybera are involved in similar premise device-based measurement initiatives with community anchor institutions in the United States and Canada respectively.
Internet2 Tech Exchange - Bring NDT Back: Measurement Lab Modernizes NDT Server
The R&E network community using perfSONAR used to include the Network Diagnostic Tool (NDT), a single stream performance measurement of bulk transport capacity. Many years ago, perfSONAR dropped support for NDT since its dependence on the web100 kernel library required running old, outdated, and hard to secure linux kernels. Measurement Lab (M-Lab) had the same problem, but has continued to host NDT as an Internet measurement service on our global server platform. Over the past two years, M-Lab developers have been working through the technical debt to migrate our platform to Docker containers, managed by Kubernetes, and concurrently have refactored NDT server, and developed reference clients for various languages and operating systems. The new NDT server is ‘Docker-ized’ and is based on WebSocket and TLS, uses TCP BBR where it is available, and is backward compatible with previous clients. M-Lab anticipates that. by the end of Q3 2019, all our servers worldwide will be running the new NDT version, managed by Kubernetes.
The M-Lab team is eager to share this work with the R&E network community and offers to contribute this work to the perfSONAR toolkit. This session will demo the new NDT server and reference clients, and we hope to engage with the R&E network community on this exciting development.
Conference Website Session Description View Slides
Experiences Monitoring Measurement Lab
PromCon 2017 Lightning Talk outlining M-lab’s transition to Prometheus monitoring.
Visualizing the Health of the Internet - Measurement Lab + Bocoup
Presented at the Open Data Science Conference in Boston, May 2017 Also presented at the Strata Data Conference in London, May 2017
M-Lab: What it is, why you should use it, and what’s happening in 2017
Presented at the Google Networking Research Summit, February 2017
M-Lab at IMC
Presented at IMC, November 2012
M-Lab—Network Science at Scale
Presented at MIT, November 2012
M-Lab—Open Internet Performance Data and How to Get it
Presented at the OECD—WPIIS, December 14, 2012