Assessing Typhoon Haiyans impact on core Internet infrastructure measurement tells a story

Typhoon Haiyan was a tragedy, and its human and ecological impact rightly deserve the bulk of our attention and concern.

Keeping this in mind, we are gratified to see the Internet Researchers at RIPE NCC using open Internet measurement data to analyze the health of Philippines’ core Internet infrastructure in the wake of Haiyan. Unlike much of the news related to the typhoon’s aftermath, the RIPE NCC’s conclusions on the impact of Haiyan on the Philippines’ core Internet infrastructure are tentatively hopeful: the damage appears to be moderate, and highly localized.

We believe that this type of analysis can provide those working to repair Haiyan’s damage with a better understanding of how to get populations back online. We also hope that this and similar research it can be used by the broader Internet community to help prepare Internet infrastructure for similar events, ensuring that the Internet is able to serve world populations when they are most in need.

We invite you to peruse the RIPE NCC’s finding in their full detail on their site.

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