New Features for M-Lab Internet Observatory

We launched the M-Lab Internet Observatory last week to provide a window into ISP performance, letting people see how ISPs in the US are doing compared to each other, and to view the way in which the connections between ISPs impact performance. We will be releasing additional features and views as we go, so keep an eye on the Observatory and the blog for updates about the features as we roll them out. This week, by popular demand, we’ve added some features that enable better interaction with and sharing of interesting views of M-Lab data:

  • Share links for Google Plus, Facebook and Twitter
    When you find something interesting in our data, use the Share links to point others directly to what you found.

  • Information about unselected ISP combinations
    Observatory displays a couple of selected ISP combinations, along with the unselected combinations as grey lines. Now when you hover over an unselected combination, Observatory will show the metric, sample size and date for both selected and unselected ISP combinations.

  • Show/Hide unselected ISP Combinations
    You can now show/hide the lines representing unselected ISP combinations.

Have ideas about interesting view or queries? Let us know. We’ll be blogging here about future features as they are made available, so please check back soon and subscribe to our RSS feed.

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