How should Internet quality be measured? Join us for our Community Call on February 1, 2024

Access to high speed Internet does not necessarily mean access to high quality Internet. But if not speed then what? How should we measure Internet quality? Join our monthly community call on February 1, 2024 at 11am ET to discuss and contribute to our latest research initiative, sponsored by Internet Society Foundation.

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2023 Year in Review

Posted by Lai Yi Ohlsen, Georgia Bullen on 2023-12-21

2023 was a big year! Here’s a summary of what we were up to and what’s coming up next.

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Wehe data is now available in BigQuery

Posted by Dave Choffnes, Phillipa Gill, Zeinab Shmeis, Katherine Townsend, Lai Yi Ohlsen on 2023-09-28
Wehe, data, BigQuery

M-Lab and the Wehe team are pleased to announce that Wehe data is available for open access in BigQuery.

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Introducing MSAK (Measurement Swiss-Army Knife)

Since its inception, M-Lab’s flagship bulk transport capacity (BTC) measurement protocol, NDT, has always been using a single TCP stream. While this allowed us to get detailed diagnostic data about the user’s connection, over time many have expressed concerns about the ability of the single-stream approach to also effectively fill the link and double as a measurement of link capacity.

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