July 2023 Office Hours

Join us for M-Lab’s next Community Office Hours on July 20, 2023 at 11:00am EDT!

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Introducing Data Transfer Limits to NDT

Posted by Phillipa Gill, Cristina Leon, Katherine Townsend on 2023-06-26
ndt, data

Consumer Internet speeds increasing to 1Gbps and beyond pose a scaling challenge to servers engaged in measuring global Internet quality, as every bit represents physical infrastructure and energy costs to measure that information. Maintainers of Measurement Lab are investigating options to limit the amount of data transferred by an NDT test that will reduce resource strain while maintaining quality of Internet measurement and sustain user experience.

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Introducing M-Lab Community Office Hours

Are you new to M-Lab data? Do you have questions about how to use it or how it can fit into your research?

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Ending support for ndt5+raw protocol and mlab-ns

After January 2024, M-Lab will no longer support the legacy ndt5+raw protocol or mlab-ns.appspot.com service. There are alternatives available for migration now.

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M-Lab to the Cloud: Virtual sites in all Google Cloud regions

As of April 2023, we are excited to announce that M-Lab has a virtual site running ndt-server in all 35 GCP regions.

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