Welcome to The Same Old M-Lab

Posted by Measurement Lab on 2013-08-05

If it looks like you knocked on the wrong door, that’s us, not you.

Welcome to the new M-Lab website!

After years of directing our energy and resources toward expanding our measurement platform and furthering the state of open network research, we finally got around to redecorating. We hope that the new site is easier and more pleasant to navigate, and provides a clearer introduction to M-Lab and open measurement. (And don’t worry – those of you who are more concerned with technical details and less concerned with design can skip to the M-Lab Research Wiki, linked from the top of every page.)

Now that you’re here, we invite you to take a look around and get comfortable. Running your favorite tests, accessing visualizations and data, and locating documentation should be simple and intuitive. If it’s not – if you do find bugs, if things seem confusing, if there’s a document or a tool or a visualization that you can’t locate, just let us know. We’ll be grateful for the feedback, and for the chance to make things around here even better.

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